Because You Deserved it!

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Take time to catch up with a friend

Socializing with others benefits our overall health. Catching up with friends or family whether by phone calls or meeting in person can lighten your mood and make you feel happier. Socialization helps improve blood pressure, brain health, self esteem and gives a sense of purpose and belonging. With all the craziness in this world, having a friend or family member to share your stress and achievements with truly helps us keep going.

Watch a movie marathon

Being a mom can be overwhelming with the constant feeling of responsibility towards your family and how to be a perfect mother to your children. However It is ok to be tired and just need a break. Grab snacks and easy to make food and enjoy a day full of T.V. With nothing else to do but relaxing and watching T.V can break the daily routine for the whole family.

Take a walk

Walking is a great and simple way for our brains to release a chemical called endorphin which stimulates relaxation and improves our mood. When things get overwhelming, take a break and go for a quick walk to refresh your mood. Even with little ones, you can take them on a stroller and walk around the neighborhood, not only will it change your mood but the kids as well.

Pamper yourself

Pampering yourself doesn’t always have to be expensive. Painted nails and fixed hair can be enough to make your day feel better. Maybe adding some makeup first thing in the morning and dressing out of your Pajamas can greatly affect your mood and increase your positive energy throughout the day.

Hobby Time

Whatever your hobby is, it is important to do something you enjoy. Not only will you have a relaxing time but also feel a sense of achievement.

Go shopping

Oh the great stress relief and fun we get out of shopping. Save some money to use for some mood lifting shopping.

Go for a Trip

If time and money allows, plan a trip and break that daily routine; Even if it is only a short getaway.

Sleep. Sleep. Sleep

Make a long sleep like no one is waiting for you to wake up all day. Make sure someone is around to take care of the kids and catch up on that sleep like no one is waiting for you to wake up.

" Do Something Nice For You Because You Deserved It."

Again, loving yourself is something fundamental. Your decision to pamper yourself is just a reflection of whatever  you are feeling inside.

I am here to help every mother looking to learn parenting tips and techniques in a short and simplified way. 

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