Kick the Pacifier Habit with 5 Easy Tips


Is it time to retire the binky from your home? Although babies frequently use pacifiers, it is not advisable to let this behavior become a long-term habit. Long-term pacifier use might cause small mouth growth abnormalities, changes to the mouth’s roof, and early tooth malalignment in your child.


By quitting the habit early, you can save expensive health issues. You may help your child as you stop using pacifiers in your home by using the advice that follows.


1. Go Cold Turkey


Some kids will react quite favorably to quitting their binky habit “cold turkey.” Set a date, discuss it with your child beforehand, and then do as you both agreed and remove all pacifiers from the house. A birthday is a great occasion for this. Birthdays represent transition, reminding children that they are maturing.


Eliminating binky use outright could be a significant developmental step for your child. Remind your child that they are a big kid now and do not require a pacifier by providing positive reinforcement.


2. Try Weaning Your Child Off a Pacifier if Cold Turkey Isn’t Your Thing

When helping their child break the pacifier habit, not every parent wants to quit all pacifiers at once. If you fall into this category, you may choose to adopt the weaning strategy instead.


Instead of abruptly ceasing to use the binky, you can start to do so over the course of a few weeks or even months. Pacifiers should first be taken out of the house’s stress-free places. Use only during naps and at night. Work your way up to eliminating the binky from naps and then from bedtime.

This gradual change makes the transition easier and less stressful.


3. Exchange the Pacifier for Something New 

It’s critical to give your child enough time to break their mental association with their pacifier. Whether you’re weaning your child off gradually or going cold turkey, you should introduce something new to assist lessen the shock because this connection is a critical component of children’s psychology.


There are innumerable possible approaches. Some parents enjoy rewarding their children with modest presents in place of pacifiers. Your child is now responsible for this. The entire process will be lot simpler if they believe that giving up the binky is a decision they made on their own. Rewards don’t have to be substantial or pricey.


You may prepare their preferred dinner, take them out for a special dessert, or give them small toys. You have full discretion over the award. The idea is to help your youngster comprehend that they’ve made the right decision.


4. Tell a Story or Read a Book Designed to Wean Kids off Pacifiers


Do you enjoy reading stories to your kids as a creative outlet? The ideal time to amuse and educate your youngster is during story time. You might explain to them why it’s crucial to cease using a pacifier and how doing so is a crucial and normal part of maturing. Numerous children’s books address the subject of giving up using pacifiers.


Even basic and free resources can be found online, often in the most unlikely locations. Consider the example of this popular Sesame Street song. One amusing method you could use to encourage your child to give up the pacifier is the Bye Bye Binky Song.


5. Remove Pacifiers from Your Home and Car So That You Aren’t Tempted


We often think of the binky habit as something that children need to break. In reality, many parents are somewhat reliant on pacifiers too! You might be tempted to hand a pacifier to your child during times of stressful parenting. To avoid being a part of the problem, actively seek out all the pacifiers in your home, car, day bags etc., and then remove them! Simply not having pacifiers readily available could be enough to help your child break the habit.


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