Postpartum Depression

A type of sadness that develops after having a baby is called postpartum depression. Up to 15% of persons are impacted. Postpartum depression causes emotional highs and lows, frequent crying, exhaustion, guilt, and anxiety, as well as the possibility of difficulty caring for the newborn. Counselling and medication are effective treatments for postpartum depression.


What is postpartum depression?


Having a child transforms your life. Parenting is fun, but it can also be exhausting and overwhelming. It’s common to feel anxious or unsure, particularly if you’re a first-time parent. However, you might develop postpartum depression if your emotions include excessive melancholy or loneliness, wild mood fluctuations, and a lot of crying.


Depression that follows childbirth is known as postpartum depression (PPD). Not just the individual giving birth is impacted by postpartum depression. Adoptive parents and surrogates are also susceptible. After having a kid, people go through hormonal, physical, emotional, monetary, and social changes. Postpartum depression symptoms may be brought on by these changes.


Know that you are not alone, it’s not your fault, and help is available if you suffer from postpartum depression. Your doctor or other medical professional can treat your symptoms and make you feel better.



What are the types of postpartum depression?


Postpartum mood disorders come in three varieties:

Postpartum blues or baby blues


Between 50% and 75% of people experience the baby blues after giving birth. You will cry for extended periods of time frequently and for no apparent reason if you experience the baby blues, along with unhappiness and anxiousness. One to four days after delivery is when the condition typically manifests itself in the first week. Despite the unpleasantness of the situation, it normally goes away on its own after two weeks. The best course of action is to approach friends, family, or your spouse for support and assistance.




Postpartum depression



About 1 in 7 new parents experience postpartum depression, a much more dangerous disorder than the baby blues. If you’ve previously experienced postpartum depression, your risk rises to 30% with each pregnancy. Along with mood swings, incessant crying, impatience, and exhaustion, you could also feel guilty, anxious, and incapable of taking care of yourself or your child. Mild to severe symptoms may start to show up a week after delivery or gradually, even up to a year later. Despite the fact that symptoms can continue for several months, psychotherapy or antidepressants are very effective forms of treatment.



Postpartum psychosis



A very severe form of postpartum depression that necessitates immediate medical intervention is postpartum psychosis. Only 1 in 1,000 people after delivery are affected by this illness, making it very uncommon. The symptoms typically start soon after delivery, are severe, and linger for several weeks to months. Severe agitation, bewilderment, feelings of helplessness and shame, sleeplessness, paranoia, hallucinations or delusions, hyperactivity, quick speech, or mania are some of the symptoms. Due to the heightened risk of suicide and potential injury to the unborn child, postpartum psychosis requires rapid medical intervention. Medication, counselling, and hospitalization are frequently used as treatments.



Who is affected by postpartum depression?



The postpartum blues are frequent. After giving birth, up to 75% of people experience the baby blues. One in five of these women, or 15%, will experience postpartum depression. Every 1,000 women experience postpartum psychosis.



How do I know if I have baby blues or postpartum depression?




Baby blues are a common side effect after childbirth. Postpartum depression and the baby blues have many of the same symptoms. However, baby blues symptoms are milder and linger for only approximately 10 days. The symptoms of postpartum depression are more severe and continue for weeks or months.


If any of the following apply to you:


  • had fits of sobbing.

  • feeling overpowered

  • You become apathetic.

  • unable to fall asleep.

  • experience abrupt mood swings.


Never forget that telling your doctor about your symptoms won’t hurt. They can determine whether your symptoms require medical attention.


How long does postpartum depression last?


One year after your child is born, postpartum depression may still persist. This does not, however, imply that you should experience “cure” within a year. Discuss your symptoms and treatments with your healthcare professional. Tell the truth about your feelings. Consider carefully whether your current state of health is better than it was before to your diagnosis. They can then suggest continuing medical care for your problems.


What factors increase my risk of being depressed after the birth of my child?


Some elements raise your chance of developing postpartum depression:


  • a history of depression, postpartum depression, or premenstrual dysphoric disorder in oneself or one’s family (PMDD).

  • a meagre social network.

  • Conflict in a marriage or relationship.

  • Uncertainty regarding the pregnancy.

  • problems related to pregnancy, such as illnesses, challenging deliveries, or early birth.

  • You’re under 20 or a parent by yourself.

  • having a baby who cries a lot or has specific needs.


What are the symptoms of postpartum depression?


Some people experience embarrassment over their symptoms or believe they are bad parents for having those feelings. Postpartum depression is very prevalent. It doesn’t make you a bad person; you’re not the only one who feels this way.


If you go through any of the following, you may be suffering from postpartum depression:


  • Sadness, worthlessness, hopelessness, or guilt.

  • overly fretting or being tense.

  • loss of interest in past interests or pastimes.

  • appetite changes or not eating.

  • loss of motivation and energy.

  • Having trouble falling asleep or constantly wanting to sleep.

  • crying excessively or without cause

  • thinking or concentration challenges.

  • Suicidal ideas or wishes to pass away.

  • a lack of interest in your child or unease around your child.

  • thoughts of harming your child or feelings of dissatisfaction with having a child.


If you believe you may be suffering from postpartum depression, speak with your doctor. Your obstetrician, primary care physician, or mental health professional can be this. Your pediatrician can also be of use to you.



What causes postpartum depression?


The relationship between the abrupt hormone decline after birth and depression requires further study. Progesterone and estrogen levels tenfold increase during pregnancy but dramatically decrease after delivery. The levels of these hormones return to pre-pregnancy levels three days after delivery.


Along with these biological changes, having a baby causes social and psychological changes that raise your risk of postpartum depression. For instance, your body may alter physically, you may sleep less, you may worry about raising your children, or your relationships may change.


Please contact your healthcare physician right away if you’ve experienced any of the following symptoms.


  • self-harming or baby-harming ideas.

  • recurring ideas of suicide or death.

  • For the past two weeks, I’ve been in a depressed mood for the majority of the day.

  • feeling uneasy, guilty, despondent, terrified, frightened, or unworthy.

  • Having trouble concentrating, thinking clearly, making judgments, or handling ordinary situations

  • nearly every day for the past two weeks, I’ve experienced a loss of enjoyment or interest in most activities.


Can postpartum depression affect my baby?


Yes, your infant can suffer from postpartum depression. It’s crucial that you seek care for yourself and your unborn child.



According to research, postpartum depression may have the following effects on your baby:


  • You have a hard time connecting with your infant and building a relationship with them.

  • Your youngster may struggle with behaviour or academic issues.

  • You’re free to miss your child’s paediatrician’s appointments.

  • Your child may have problems with eating and sleeping.

  • The risk of obesity or developmental issues in your child may be increased.

  • You can fail to provide for your child’s needs or fail to notice when they are ill.

  • It’s possible that your child lacks social skills.


How is postpartum depression diagnosed?


Postpartum depression cannot be diagnosed by a specific test. At your postpartum appointment, your healthcare professional will assess you. This visit may involve a physical examination, a pelvic exam, blood testing, a discussion of your medical history, and how you’ve been feeling since giving birth. Many medical professionals plan prenatal checkups to check for depression two or three weeks after delivery. This guarantees that you get the assistance you require as quickly as possible.


To determine if you have postpartum depression, they could conduct a depression screening or ask you a number of questions. They’ll enquire about your well-being and that of your infant. To provide your provider an accurate picture of your feelings and thoughts, be forthright and honest with them. They can assist in determining whether your sensations are common or signs of postpartum depression.


They may carry out a depression test or ask you a series of questions to ascertain whether you have postpartum depression. They will ask about your health and that of your child. Be straightforward and honest with your provider so that they have a complete picture of your feelings and opinions. They can help determine if your feelings are typical or indicate postpartum depression.


How do doctors screen for postpartum depression?


Mild postpartum depression episodes can be difficult to identify. Your responses to the questions posed by healthcare professionals are very important.


The Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale is frequently used by medical professionals to check for postpartum depression. It includes 10 questions that are related to depressive symptoms including feeling down, anxious, or guilty. The response that most closely matches how you’ve felt during the past week should be checked. A higher score suggests that postpartum depression may exist.


Your healthcare professional will suggest the best course of action if they believe you are exhibiting postpartum depression symptoms.


How is postpartum depression treated?


Depending on the kind and intensity of your symptoms, postpartum depression is treated in a variety of ways. Medications for anxiety or depression, talk therapy or cognitive behavioural therapy, and involvement in support groups are all available as forms of treatment.


Medication for sadness, anxiety, and psychosis may be part of the postpartum psychosis treatment plan. Until you’re stable, you can also be admitted for a few days to a treatment facility. Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) may be helpful if you don’t improve after receiving this treatment.


Don’t think that since you are nursing (chestfeeding), you can’t take medication for sadness, anxiety, or even psychosis. Your options should be discussed with your healthcare provider.


What medications can I take for postpartum depression?


Antidepressants may be recommended by your doctor to treat postpartum depression symptoms. The chemicals in your brain that affect your mood are balanced by antidepressants.


Consult your healthcare professional about the advantages and disadvantages of taking an antidepressant while you are nursing. Through your breast milk, medications can reach your kid. The transfer level is often minimal, though, and many antidepressants are regarded as safe. Based on your symptoms and if you are breastfeeding, your physician can assist you in selecting the medication that is best for you.


Remember that it takes antidepressants at least three or four weeks to start working. Before quitting the drug, consult with your healthcare professional. If you stop taking your medicine too soon, your symptoms can come back. Most doctors would advise you to cut back on your dosage before quitting altogether.


While you’re still in the hospital, if your healthcare practitioner notices postpartum depression, they may suggest an IV brexanolone-containing drug.



What are ways to cope with postpartum depression?


It’s okay to experience overwhelm. Having a baby is challenging, and parenting is full of ups and downs. You don’t have to suffer in silence if you experience depression. Your doctor can assist you in locating a treatment that is effective for you.


Here are some strategies for dealing with postpartum depression:


  • Find a listener and helper to talk to, such as a therapist, friend, family member, or someone else.

  • Become a part of a new parents’ support group.

  • Make an effort to eat healthy and schedule exercise.

  • Put your own rest in the forefront.

  • Talk to your friends on the phone or go out with them.

  • Make time for yourself and activities you enjoy, such as reading or other hobbies.

  • Ask for help with your errands or domestic duties.


What happens if postpartum depression isn’t treated?


Your baby, people who care about you, and yourself all suffer from postpartum depression if it is left untreated. It could lead to:


  • Feel as though you lack energy.

  • Moody.

  • You think you can’t care for your child.

  • unable to concentrate or decide.

  • have ideas about harming oneself.


Can postpartum depression be prevented?


Postpartum depression can be partially avoided. Knowing the condition’s warning signals and the variables that raise your risk is helpful. Here are some recommendations for avoiding postpartum depression:


  • Be reasonable in your expectations for both you and your newborn.

  • When you first return home, limit visitors.

  • Let people know how they can support you by asking for assistance.

  • When your infant sleeps, you should also rest.

  • Get some exercise by going for a stroll and leaving the house occasionally.

  • Don’t cut yourself apart from your family and friends; stay in touch with them.

  • Make time for your partner to help your relationship grow.

  • Be prepared for both happy and terrible days.


What is the outlook for women with postpartum depression?


Nearly everyone who suffers from postpartum depression can get better with skilled assistance.


When should I seek professional medical treatment for symptoms related to postpartum depression?


When you should look for expert assistance are:


  • The symptoms last longer than two weeks.

  • You are unable to manage daily tasks or behave properly.

  • You’ve considered hurting your baby or yourself.

  • Most of the day, you feel incredibly nervous, afraid, and panicked.


Do I have postpartum anxiety or postpartum depression?


Despite having separate diseases, postpartum depression and anxiety have similar symptoms. Postpartum anxiety is characterized by excessive worrying, feeling panicky for no apparent cause, and having unreasonable concerns or obsessions. Discussing all of your symptoms with your healthcare professional is crucial so they can offer you the assistance you require.


Can dads get postpartum depression?


Postpartum depression symptoms can occur in both couples, yes. If you or your partner exhibit symptoms of despair or anxiety after bringing your child home, you and your partner should seek medical attention. In the first year following the birth of their child, an estimated 4% of partners report having depression.



What is postpartum dysphoria?


Baby blues is another name for postpartum distress. It starts within the first week following childbirth and goes gone on its own in a few days.


How can I help someone with postpartum depression?


Postpartum depressives require a lot of support. Here are a few ways you can contribute:


  • Recognize the symptoms of anxiety and depression, and encourage your friend or spouse to get help.

  • Take time to listen. Tell them you’re available to talk and offer assistance.

  • Offer to assist them with errands and other daily chores like cleaning.

  • Offer to help with babysitting so they may rest or sleep.

  • Encourage them to contact a therapist or other mental health professional for assistance. Make an appointment or offer to accompany them as a support person.


A note from Cleveland Clinic


One in seven persons experience postpartum depression, a common mood disorder, after giving birth. You didn’t cause it, and it’s not your fault. You are not a bad parent or person as a result. You have no control over the biological, physical, or chemical components that lead to PPD. Postpartum depression is characterised by feelings of sadness or worthlessness, a loss of interest in previously loved activities, excessive sobbing, and mood fluctuations. If you suspect postpartum depression, consult a healthcare professional. They can determine the most effective way to treat your symptoms. A support group, medicine, or counselling may be beneficial.



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