13 Foods to Eat When You’re Pregnant

Pregnant? Hangry? Are you looking for a snack that will satisfy both your stomach and your infant? The importance of eating wholesome meals while pregnant is something you’ve certainly heard a lot about.


Our goal is to turn your pantry into a one-stop shop for wholesome foods that taste great and will offer your child the best start in life.


When creating a healthy eating plan, you should put a special emphasis on whole foods that provide you with more of the nutrients you’d require if you weren’t pregnant, such as:


  • protein

  • minerals and vitamins

  • healthy forms of fat

  • intricate carbohydrates

  • fluids and fibre


Here are 13 foods that are incredibly nutritious to eat while pregnant to help you reach your nutrient targets.




1. Dairy products




 You need to eat more protein and calcium throughout pregnancy to fulfil the demands of your developing foetus. Milk, cheese, and yoghurt should be included in the menu.

 Casein and whey are two types of superior protein found in dairy products. The finest food supply of calcium is dairy, which also has significant amounts of phosphorus, B vitamins, magnesium, and zinc.

Greek yoghurt in particular is advantageous since it includes more calcium than the majority of other dairy products. Probiotic bacteria, which assist digestive health, are also present in some kinds.


You might be able to handle yoghurt, especially probiotic yoghurts, if you have a lactose intolerance. To find out if you can try it out, ask your doctor. There may be an entire universe of yoghourt parfaits, smoothies, and lassis waiting.



2. Legumes


Lentils, peas, beans, chickpeas, soybeans, and peanuts are included in this category of foods (a.k.a. a ton of awesome recipe ingredients!).


Legumes are excellent plant-based providers of calcium, iron, folate, fibre, protein, and other nutrients that your body needs more of while pregnant.


One of the most crucial B vitamins is folate (B9). It is crucial for both you and the unborn child, especially in the first trimester and even earlier.


You must consume at least 600 micrograms (mcg) of folate each day, which can be difficult to do through diet alone. However, if your doctor advises supplementation, including legumes can help you get there.


Legumes typically include a lot of fibre. Iron, magnesium, and potassium levels in some kinds are also high. With dishes like hummus on whole grain toast, black beans in a taco salad, or lentil curry, think about including legumes in your diet.



 3. Sweet potatoes

In addition to being versatile in the kitchen, sweet potatoes are also high in beta carotene, a plant chemical that your body uses to make vitamin A.


Infant growth requires vitamin A. Just be careful with animal-based sources of vitamin A that are consumed in large quantities, such as organ meats, as they can be poisonous.


Fortunately, sweet potatoes are a good plant-based source of fiber and beta carotene. Fiber prolongs satiety, lowers blood sugar surges, and enhances digestive health (which can really help if that pregnancy constipation hits)..


Try using sweet potatoes as the base for your morning avocado toast for a fantastic breakfast.



4. Salmon


Salmon is a nice addition to this list, whether it’s smoked on a whole wheat bagel, teriyaki-grilled, or covered in pesto. Omega-3 fatty acids, which are crucial and offer a number of advantages, are abundant in salmon.


These are abundant in seafood and aid in the development of your baby’s brain and eyes. They may even lengthen the gestational period.


But hold on, have you been advised to reduce your seafood intake because high mercury fish contain other pollutants as well as mercury? You can continue to consume fatty fish like salmon.




The following fish should be avoided because they have high levels of mercury.

  • swordfish

  • shark

  • Queen Mackerel

  • marlin

  • large-eye tuna

  • from the Gulf of Mexico, tilefish


Additionally, salmon is one of the few naturally occurring sources of vitamin D, which is deficient in the majority of us. Both the immune system and bone health depend on it.



5. Eggs



Those amazing, edible eggs are the healthiest food you can eat since they have a small amount of practically every vitamin you require. Approximately 80 calories, excellent protein, fat, and a wealth of vitamins and minerals may be found in one large egg.


The essential vitamin choline, which is needed during pregnancy, is abundant in eggs. It is crucial for a baby’s brain growth and aids in preventing improper brain and spine development.


You can get closer to the current advised choline intake of 450 mg per dayTrusted Source while pregnant by consuming one entire egg, which has a choline content of approximately 147 milligrams (mg) (Trusted Source) (though more studies are being done to determine if that is enough).


The healthiest ways to prepare eggs are listed below. Try them in a chickpea scramble or spinach feta wraps.




6. Broccoli and dark, leafy greens



It should come as no surprise that broccoli and other dark, green veggies like kale and spinach are incredibly nutrient-dense. Although you might not enjoy eating them, they can frequently be snuck into a variety of cuisines.


Fibre, vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin A, calcium, iron, folate, and potassium are among the advantages. They are a veritable treasure trove.


Servings of green vegetables are an effective approach to increase vitamin intake and prevent constipation because of all the fibre they contain. Additionally, vegetables have been associated with a lower risk of low birth weightTrusted Source.


You won’t even notice that there is kale in this Florentine recipe for kale eggs or in a green smoothie if you add some spinach to it.



7. Lean meat and proteins



Lean meats like chicken, pork, and beef are great sources of high-quality protein. You’ll need more of the B vitamins choline, iron, and other nutrients found in beef and pig during pregnancy.


As a component of hemoglobin, iron is a necessary mineral that is utilized by red blood cells. Your blood volume is increasing, so you’ll need extra iron. This is crucial during the third trimester of pregnancy.


Iron deficiency anemia may result from low iron levels in the first and second trimesters of pregnancy, which increases the danger of low birth weight and other problems.


It may be challenging to meet your iron requirements just through food, particularly if you have a meat allergy or are a vegetarian or vegan. But for those who can, eating lean red meat frequently may help you obtain more iron from your diet.


Pro tip: Combining meals high in vitamin C, such bell peppers and oranges, with foods high in iron may also assist boost absorption.


Make this steak and mango salad or top that turkey burger with vitamin-rich tomato slices.



8. Berries



Berries are packed with beneficial nutrients like water, fiber, healthy carbohydrates, vitamin C, and antioxidants.


Berries shouldn’t significantly increase blood sugar levels because they have a relatively low glycemic index value.


Berries are a fantastic snack because they are high in fiber and water. They have little calories but offer a lot of flavor and nutrition.


Blueberries, raspberries, goji berries, strawberries, and acai berries are some of the greatest berries to consume while expecting. For some ideas, look at this blueberry smoothie.




9. Whole grains



Whole grains have significantly more fiber, vitamins, and plant components than their refined cousins. Instead of white bread, spaghetti, and white rice, consider oats, quinoa, brown rice, wheat berries, and barley.


Oats and quinoa are two examples of healthy grains that also have a decent amount of protein. Additionally, they stimulate other areas that are frequently deficient in pregnant women: B vitamins, fiber, and magnesium.


There are countless ways to include healthy grains into any dish, but we really enjoy this quinoa and roasted sweet potato bowl.




10. Avocados



 Because they have a high concentration of monounsaturated fatty acids, avocados are a unique fruit. This gives them a buttery, rich flavor that is excellent for giving a dish depth and creaminess.

 Additionally, they contain significant amounts of fiber, B vitamins, including folate, vitamin K, potassium, copper, vitamin E, and vitamin C.

 Avocados are a fantastic option during pregnancy due to their high level of healthy fats, folate, and potassium (and always).

 Folate may help avoid neural tube defects, developmental disorders of the brain and spine like spina bifida, and healthy fats help build the skin, brain, and tissues of your child.

 Leg cramps, a common side effect of pregnancy for some women, may be relieved by potassium. In actuality, avocados have a higher potassium content than bananas.

 You may use them as guacamole, in salads, smoothies, and on whole wheat bread, as well as a mayonnaise or sour cream replacement.



11. Dried fruit



In general, dried fruit has a lot of calories, fiber, and different vitamins and minerals. Even though dried fruit is significantly smaller and lacks water, it nevertheless has the same amount of nutrients as fresh fruit.


Several vitamins and minerals, such as folate, iron, and potassium, can be found in considerable quantities in one serving of dried fruit.


Prunes are a good source of potassium, fiber, and vitamin K. They are effective natural laxatives and can aid with constipation. Dates are rich in plant chemicals, potassium, fiber, and iron.


But dried fruit also has a lot of natural sugar in it. Avoid the candied variety because they have much more sugar in them.


Although eating more than one serving of dried fruit at once is typically not advised, it may assist enhance calorie and nutritional consumption.


For a portable snack that is high in protein and fiber, try adding a tiny amount to a trail mix with nuts and seeds.



 12. Fish liver oil


 The oily liver of fish, most frequently cod, is used to make fish liver oil. The omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA, which are crucial for the growth of the embryonic brain and eyes, are abundant in it.

 Taking fish oil supplements may help prevent preterm birth and may be beneficial for the development of the fetus’ eyes.

 A lot of individuals don’t receive enough vitamin D, and fish liver oil is a great source of it. For people who don’t consume seafood frequently or take omega-3 or vitamin D supplements, it might be quite helpful.

 One tablespoon (15 milliliters) of fish liver oil contains more omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, and vitamin A than is advised for daily consumption.

 It’s not advised to eat more than one serving every day, though, as too much preformed vitamin A can be harmful to your unborn child. Additionally, high omega-3 intake may have blood-thinning effects.

 You can also achieve your omega-3 goals by eating low mercury seafood such as pollock, sardines, canned light tuna, salmon, and sardines.




13. Water



 We all need to drink enough water, so say it with me. and particularly women who are pregnant. Blood volume rises by roughly 45% during pregnancy, according to a reliable source.

 Your body will hydrate your unborn child, but if you don’t watch how much water you consume, you risk being dehydrated yourself.

 Headaches, worry, exhaustion, a negative attitude, and impaired memory are all signs of mild dehydration.

 Increasing your water intake may also help you avoid urinary tract infections, which are prevalent during pregnancy, and improve constipation.

 According to general recommendations, pregnant women should consume 80 ounces (2.3 liters) of water per day. However, the precise amount you require varies. For advice tailored to your unique needs, consult your doctor.

 Remember that other foods and drinks including fruit, vegetables, coffee, and tea also include water.

 Reusable water bottles can help you stay hydrated all day long. Try keeping one on hand.




The takeaway


The key message: A well-rounded diet consisting of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and healthy fats will provide your developing infant with all the nutrient-dense meals they need.


There are a ton of delectable selections that provide you and your infant with everything they’ll need. Inform your medical team about your eating habits, and allow them help you develop a plan that includes any essential supplements.


This list should serve as an excellent starting point for a pregnancy that is healthy and well-fed.



  • Yogurt and other dairy products are excellent options. They aid in meeting your increased protein and calcium requirements.

  • Folate, fiber, and a variety of other nutrients are abundant in legumes. A crucial nutrient during pregnancy is folate.

  • Beta carotene, which your body converts into vitamin A, is abundant in sweet potatoes. The development and differentiation of cells in your developing fetus depend on vitamin A.

  • Salmon provides EPA and DHA, two critical omega-3 fatty acids that are crucial for your developing baby’s brain and eye development. It also contains naturally occurring vitamin D.

  • The best approach to maximize your daily nutrient intake is by eating whole eggs, which are highly nutrient-dense. They also include choline, a vitamin crucial for the growth and health of the brain.

  • You can find the majority of the nutrients you need in broccoli and leafy greens. They contain a lot of fiber, which may aid in the treatment or prevention of constipation.

  • A notable source of superior protein is lean beef. Iron, choline, and B vitamins—all crucial nutrients during pregnancy—are also abundant in beef and pork.

  • Berries contain plant components, vitamins, antioxidants, fiber, water, carbohydrates, and vitamin C. They might assist you in consuming more nutrients and water.

  • Fibre, vitamins, and plant-based substances are abundant in whole grains. They are also a good source of magnesium, fiber, and B vitamins.

  • Avocados are rich sources of fiber, folate, potassium, and monounsaturated fatty acids. They might also be able to ease leg cramps.

  • Due to their small size and high nutritional content, dried fruit may be especially useful for expectant mothers. Just be careful to watch your quantities and stay away from candied foods to avoid consuming too much sugar.

  • Water consumption is crucial during pregnancy because your blood volume grows. In addition to preventing urinary tract infections and constipation, adequate water may also aid.



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