The Best Pregnancy-Safe Exercises at Home and the Gym

You probably won’t forget the thrill (or complete panic) you felt when those two blue or pink lines appeared. You might be wondering what needs to change and what can remain the same now that you are expecting.


The positive news The most important thing to keep for the following nine months is staying active.


And whether you want to start a new exercise regimen or continue your current one, we have you covered. Here is all the information you need to stay fit during your pregnancy, from core and stretching activities to cardio and strength training.



Benefits of exercising while pregnant



 If your primary motivation for working out is to squeeze into a smaller pair of jeans, you may need to change your priorities now that you are expecting a child.

 The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) reports that pregnant exercise can reduce the risk of:


  • early birth

  • Caesarean section

  • unwarranted weight gain

  • pregnancy-related diabetes or hypertension conditions such preeclampsia

  • decreased birth weight


Additionally, it’s a great way to:


  • keep yourself physically fit

  • lower low back ache (hello, expanding belly!)

  • control the signs of anxiety and sadness

  • alleviate tension

  • enhance postpartum healing


According to Brooke Cates, owner of Studio Bloom and a pregnancy and postpartum fitness instructor, there are specific activities that can be done during each trimester to help the body through its physical changes and get ready for a smoother return to exercise after childbirth.


She stresses a shift in emphasis toward core and pelvic floor awareness, which can assist you in developing a stronger core-based connection prior to the start of the major changes.


Safety tips for exercises while pregnant


When considering exercises for pregnancy, Cates says there aren’t a lot of activities that need to be removed from your current regimen.

“While the majority of exercises can be continued throughout each trimester, modifying and scaling back where needed can help increase the strength, stability, and physical adaptability as your body changes,” she says.

With that in mind, here are some general safety tips to consider when exercising during pregnancy, according to the ACOG.

  • If you’re new to exercise or you have any health issues that would make exercise dangerous, get your doctor’s approval.

  • Water is important to consume before, during, and after exercise.

  • Put on supportive apparel, such as a belly band or supportive sports bra.

  • Avoid getting too hot, especially in the first trimester.

  • Avoid spending too much time flat on your back, especially in the third trimester.

  • Avoid hot yoga and contact sports.


Cardio for all three trimesters

In all three trimesters, cardio exercises like walking, swimming, running, and stationary cycling are recommended.

Follow U.S. guidelines for physical exercise unless your doctor has advised you to change it. According to the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans published by the Department of Health and Human Services, you should engage in at least 150 minutes of aerobic activity each week.

The ACOG advises that you can continue your high-intensity exercises like jogging throughout pregnancy if you are accustomed to doing them and have a high level of fitness, of course with your doctor’s approval.


Exercises to do in the first trimester of pregnancy

Pregnancy’s first three months can be an emotional roller coaster. As you start to understand that you are in charge of feeding, nurturing, and maintaining the safety and health of this small soon-to-be human being, your feelings can range from ecstasy and pure joy to worry, concern, and even terror.

Physical therapist Heather Jeffcoat, DPT, advises that you can carry on with your regular exercise program throughout the first trimester as long as your pregnancy is not regarded as high-risk.

A comprehensive prenatal fitness program should start with at least 150 minutes of weekly cardio exercise and two to three days of strength training activities that concentrate on the main muscle groups.

Additionally, it should concentrate on particular activities that facilitate pregnancy and get you ready for labor and delivery. (Even if it seems far off, it will arrive before you realise it!)

Working on body awareness is one area that is crucial, according to Jeffcoat, in order to get ready for changes in posture. Exercises like the pelvic curl are a terrific approach to start improving spinal mobility and building the abdominal muscles that will support your expanding belly, according to the expert.


Pelvic curl

As long as you don’t experience pelvic floor symptoms like painful erections or urgent urination, continue doing this throughout your pregnancy.

  1. Legs bent and flat on the ground, roughly hip-width apart, as you lay on your back.

  2. Put your low back and pelvis in a “neutral” position. To identify this, make sure your pelvis is supported and that a small space has been created in your lower back (your back should not be pressed into the floor).

  3. Breathe in to get ready, then exhale to gently close the openings during a Kegel contraction (the urethra, the vagina, and anus). Observe how your lower abdominal muscles want to cooperate as you perform this contraction.

  4. With the Kegel, slightly drag the lower abs in. Exhale, then repeat the contraction while relaxing your pelvic floor and abs.

  5. One or two times each day, perform 2 sets of 8–15 repetitions of 3- to 5-second holds.


Kneeling push ups

This exercise combines strengthening of the upper body and core.

  1. Put your hands and knees behind your hips as you push up from a flat position on your stomach.

  2. As you breathe in, tighten your abs (the pelvic brace) and then slowly lower your chest toward the floor.

  3. As you push yourself back up, exhale.

  4. Start with 6 to 10 reps and increase to 20 to 24 reps gradually.




Additionally, the first trimester is the best time to start squats! You can also utilize the leg press machine if you have access to a gym. Squats, particularly bodyweight squats, are safe to perform throughout pregnancy.

Additionally, Jeffcoat notes that keeping your lower body muscles strong is a fantastic method to protect your back, allowing you to lift objects with your legs rather than your back. This is because squats build all the muscles in your lower body, including the quadriceps, glutes, and hamstrings.

  1. With your back to the couch, stoop in front of it. Start with your feet at around hip width apart. To guarantee appropriate form, use the couch as a reference.

  2. When your thighs are ready to contact the couch, squat down as if you’re going to sit down, then immediately stand back up.

  3. Make careful to allow 5 seconds to descend and 3 seconds to ascend.

  4. As you squat, exhale; when you stand, inhale.

  5. Perform two sets of 15–20 repetitions each.

Related Article: 5 Safe Pregnancy Squat Techniques


 Bicep curls


 This easy-yet-powerful manoeuvre is a favourite all during pregnancy. Bicep curls, according to Jeffcoat, are a crucial exercise to incorporate into your exercises since you need to prepare your arms for frequently lifting and holding your infant.

  1. Standing with your feet slightly wider than your hips and your knees slightly bent, grab some 5- to 10-pound dumbbells.

  2. As you slowly flex your elbows to bring the dumbbells up to your shoulders, exhale.

  3. After taking a breath, carefully drop the weights again.

  4. Lift the dumbbells for 3 seconds, then descend them for 5 seconds.

  5. Perform two sets of 10 to 15 reps each.


According to Brittany Robles, MD, CPT, some changes and additional strength training exercises to incorporate during the first trimester include:

  • squats while lunging

  • glute bridge (you can also add ball squeezes in between your thighs during the glute bridges if you have a history of pelvic pain with pregnancies or are currently suffering any pelvic pain)

  • regular pushups


High-intensity interval training (HIIT) should be placed on hold during the first trimester of pregnancy, according to Robles, as it is a simple method to exhaust yourself at this point in the pregnancy.

Robles also advises staying away from any physical activity that puts you in danger of injury, such contact sports.



Exercises to do in the second trimester of pregnancy



Over the following few weeks, you might experience a sense of peace and even an increase in energy as the realisation that you’re in this for the long haul settles in. This is the trimester when most women report feeling their best, so it’s a great time to concentrate on your exercise regimen.

However, Robles does highlight the necessity for a little extra caution when engaging in strenuous activity due to the uterus’s growing size.

Robles advises against engaging in any high-impact exercises that require jumping, sprinting, balance, or tiredness during the second trimester. Additionally, you should refrain from any workout that requires you to lie on your back for an extended amount of time.

Consider adding some squat variations, such as single-leg squats, wide stance squats, and narrow squats, in addition to the workouts from the first trimester. Another exercise to incorporate during this trimester is the incline pushup, which works the shoulders, triceps, and chest.

The concept of strengthening the core as the abdomen expands is considerably simpler, according to Cates, now that the core foundation has been formed. And because things are starting to change and expand even more at this point, she frequently advises expectant mothers to keep working on stabilisation strength with a special emphasis on the inner thighs and glutes.


Incline pushups

  1. Put your hands on the ground shoulder-width apart while facing a ledge or railing.

  2. Step backwards into a standing plank position, keeping your back straight.

  3. As you carefully bring your chest down to the railing or ledge, bend your arms.

  4. To get back to the starting posture, straighten your arms.

  5. Perform two sets of 10–12 reps each.


Hip flexor and quadriceps stretch


According to Jeffcoat, the second trimester is the best time to create a stretching practice that concentrates on the hip flexors, quadriceps, low back, gluteals, and calves because of postural changes.

The tummy tends to fall forward as a result of your shifting centre of gravity, shortening your hip flexor muscles. Stretching when pregnant can be done safely with this workout.

  1. Get down on your knees in a half-kneeling position. With your left foot in front of you and your left foot flat on the ground, place your right knee on the ground.

  2. Lunge toward your left foot while maintaining a tall posture until the front of your right hip and thigh feel stretched.

  3. Repeat this procedure two more times after releasing after 30 seconds.

  4. Then switch sides once more.


Side-lying leg lifts



Strengthening your balance and pelvic stabilising muscles is crucial to preparing for your shifting centre of gravity.

  1. Knees bowed and stacked on top of one another, lie on your right side.

  2. Lift your right side off the ground just enough such that your waist is separated from the floor. Your pelvis will level as a result.

  3. Put your left leg straight and at a small angle in front of you. Your toes should be pointing down toward the ground as you rotate your hip.

  4. As you lift your leg for three seconds, exhale; as you lower it for three seconds, inhale. Make sure you maintain the small space you generated between your waist and the floor as you lift your leg.

  5. Perform two sets of 8–15 reps on each side.


Mermaid stretch

Your diaphragm and ribs may begin to feel pressure as your baby grows, which could be uncomfortable.

  1. Your feet should be pointed to the right while you sit on the ground with your knees bent (or folded).

  2. As you inhale, raise your left arm straight up to the ceiling. As you exhale, side bend your torso to the right. In this instance, the left side should experience the stretch. Hold for four long, calm breaths. If you are having pain on your left side, you should stretch in this direction.

  3. If the right side bothers you, go in the opposite direction. In the second trimester, begin stretching in both directions to lessen the likelihood of this happening.



Exercises to do in the third trimester of pregnancy



As your body starts to get ready for labour and delivery, you’ll undoubtedly notice a slowdown during the third trimester, if not at times an abrupt halt. This is a wonderful time to concentrate on cardiovascular exercises, maintain your flexibility, and build your core strength with:

  • walking

  • swimming

  • pregnant yoga

  • Pilates

  • workout your pelvic floor

  • bodily motion

Your upper and lower body muscles will remain strong thanks to these.

Jeffcoat advises against engaging in any workout that increases your danger of falling, for your own safety. It’s a good idea to stay away from exercises that could cause you to lose your balance, fall, or have an abdominal impact that could harm your unborn child because your centre of gravity is changing every day, she advises.

Pubic symphysis discomfort, which is pain in the front pubic bone, is another prevalent complaint. Jeffcoat advises staying away from exercises that require you to spread your legs too far because doing so will make the pain worse.


Diastasis recti correction

According to Jeffcoat, diastasis recti, or the separation of the rectus abdominal muscles, is a worry for women during this period. This condition manifests as a bulge that runs down the middle of your belly. She suggests performing a diastasis recti corrective exercise to counteract this.

  1. Place a pillow beneath your head and shoulders while lying on your back. Feet are flat on the ground, and knees are bent.

  2. Roll up a crib or twin sheet to a width of about three to four inches, then place it on your lower back (above your pelvis and below your ribs).

  3. Take hold of the sheet, then cross it once over your stomach. The sheet should then form an X as you pull each side as you hold the sides.

  4. Inhale deeply to get ready, then lift your head and shoulders off the pillow while pressing your back flat against the floor. You are softly “hugging” the sheet across your midsection during this move to support your abs.

  5. Repeat 10 to 20 times with a lower inhalation. Start at 10 and work your way up if your neck or shoulders are sore.

  6. Do this twice daily.

During the third trimester, you should also focus on low-weight or bodyweight-only exercises for strength:

  • if you are not having pelvic pain, bodyweight squats or sumo squats with a wider stance for a larger base of support

  • Lightweight shoulder presses while standing

  • Lightweight bicep curls

  • Push-ups next to a wall.

  • altered planks

  • light-weight tricep kickbacks


The takeaway

Being physically active during pregnancy is good for the mother and the unborn child.

Maintaining a strong core, toned muscles, and a healthy cardiovascular system can be accomplished by engaging in some type of exercise most days of the week. Additionally, it can improve your mental health tremendously (hurray for endorphins!).

Always pay attention to your body’s cues and quit if you experience any pain or discomfort. As usual, if you have any queries or worries about how your body is adapting to a fitness regimen, speak with your doctor.


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